South East Clinicians Group Price on Application

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South East Clinicians Group
Years Trading 7
Turnover New contract
Expansion Potential Yes


Established Clinical Care Group based in South East England


Fully approved by Care Quality Commission and registered for supply2health, for access to the National Health Care contract tendering system, and the Caldicott Guardianship. The Group began tendering in 2006 carrying out work at an ISTC (Independent Sector Treatment Centre) in five specialities. Subsequently applied for contracts through the AWP/AQP (Any Willing Provider/Any Qualified Provider) advertised through the National Tendering System.


Set up to provide Specialist Consultant clinics in the community at local GP practices and to arrange treatment at local NHS Trust Hospitals. The Group have exceedingly good relationships with their local GPs developed over several years. A Memorandum of Understanding signed with the local Community Health Care Trust in Dermatology, with scope to extend to other services, has just come into effect (from April 1st).


With Clinical Commissioning now coming on line the Group offers the opportunity for a new and different approach through a vehicle that has been tried and tested, is established, and even has its own website, domains and trademarks registered. Some of the partners are considering retirement, hence the decsion to put the Group up for sale. The business model may be of particular interest to Consultant colleagues from South East London, Essex, Kent, Sussex or Surrey though the concept can be applied nationally.


Reasonable advice and support will be offered to the purchasers to ensure a smooth transition.

General Amenities
  • Principle retirement
  • Scope for growth
  • Local clients
South East Clinicians Group
Rochester ME1
United Kingdom
Sale Type: Sold
Ref #: MPS134


Years Trading: 7
Turnover: New contract
Relocatable?: Yes
Expansion Potential: Yes
South East Clinicians Group
Rochester ME1
United Kingdom
Sale Type: Sold
Ref #: MPS134

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South East Clinicians Group
Rochester ME1
United Kingdom
Sale Type: Sold
Ref #: MPS134

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South East Clinicians Group
Rochester ME1
United Kingdom
Sale Type: Sold
Ref #: MPS134


Disclaimer: All information contained in these business listings reflects data passed onto us by the business owner or nominated representative. Morgan Cox has not verified the accuracy of this information. Any prospective purchaser should seek professional advice to verify the accuracy of information before proceeding with any purchase. We give no assurance or warranties about the accuracy or completeness of any published information. Google Maps data has been given to reflect the rough geographical area. It does not reflect the actual location of the advertised business. All material is subject to copyright Morgan Cox 2016.

We work in the following areas

Allergy, Addiction, alcoholism, breast, cancer services, cardiology, colorectal, cosmetic surgery, dermatology, depression, diabetes, diagnostic services, eating disorders, endocrine, ent, eye clinics, foot and ankle, gastroenterology, gynaecology, hand and wrist clinics, hip and knee services, health screening, hypnotherapy, infertility and ivf services,laser eye services, musculoskeletal, neurology, obesity and bariatrics, occupational health, paediatrics, pain clinics, private gp, general practitioner services, private hospitals, psychology, rheumatology, shoulder services, sexual health, sleep clinics, tropical diseases, travel clinics & more.

We support these Specialists

Allergy consultants, breast surgeons, chronic pain doctors, cardiologists, colorectal surgeons, cosmetic surgeons, cardiothoracic surgeons, cancer specialists, dermatologists, diabetologists, endocrinologists, ent surgeons, gastroenterogists, general surgeons, general surgeons, gynaecologists,general physicians, haematologists, immunologists, ivf and fertility specialists, nephrologists, neurosurgeons, orthopaedic surgeons, obstetricians,opthalmologists, psychiatrists, plastic surgeons, paediatricians, rheumatologists, radiologists, urologists, vascular surgeons & others.