Wanted Yorkshire Physiotherapy Practice £150,000

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Wanted Yorkshire Physiotherapy Practice
Turnover Any
Net Profit Any


We have a client who is looking to purchase an existing and profitable physiotherapy practice in yourkshire. Financing is in order. If you are looking to sell your practice in this location then please contact us.

General Amenities
  • Leasehold or Freehold
  • Scope for growth
  • Financing in order
  • Buyer waiting
Wanted Yorkshire Physiotherapy Practice
York , Yorkshire yo1
United Kingdom
Region: North England
Sale Type: Wanted
Ref #: WPP1030


Turnover: Any
Net Profit: Any
Relocatable?: Yes and No
Wanted Yorkshire Physiotherapy Practice
York , Yorkshire yo1
United Kingdom
Region: North England
Sale Type: Wanted
Ref #: WPP1030

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Wanted Yorkshire Physiotherapy Practice
York , Yorkshire yo1
United Kingdom
Region: North England
Sale Type: Wanted
Ref #: WPP1030

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Wanted Yorkshire Physiotherapy Practice
York , Yorkshire yo1
United Kingdom
Region: North England
Sale Type: Wanted
Ref #: WPP1030


Disclaimer: All information contained in these business listings reflects data passed onto us by the business owner or nominated representative. Morgan Cox has not verified the accuracy of this information. Any prospective purchaser should seek professional advice to verify the accuracy of information before proceeding with any purchase. We give no assurance or warranties about the accuracy or completeness of any published information. Google Maps data has been given to reflect the rough geographical area. It does not reflect the actual location of the advertised business. All material is subject to copyright Morgan Cox 2016.