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Dental News

Welcome to Morgan Cox Dental. Here we aim to update you with all the latest news from our company. Feel free to subscribe to get automatic update emails sent to you when ever we post a new article.
Posted by on in Dental News

In 2012 Morgan Cox dental gained a significant share of the dental practice sales market by using a simple switch in tactics when compared to other dental brokers.

For decades brokers have been charging the owner of a dental practice a % sales commission plus VAT for dealing with their dental practice sale. Owners have felt rather short changed about this as they also have significant other costs associated with he transaction such as legal fees, accountancy fees and lets not forget about capital gains tax. For many owners the sale of their practice is the final step into retirement and the proceeds of all their hard work are crucial to a comfortable break from the day to day stresses of running a business. It is also noted that those buying into dental practices and businesses are considerably younger with many years ahead of them.

In late 2012 we spoke to many of our current clients to perform some market research into how they felt about our service and the dental brokerage market at large. We were encouraged by their comments and feedback. Much of their input and advice has been taken directly back into the market, demonstrating why we are at the sharp end of dental practice sales market.

So we are pleased to tell all those thinking about selling their dental practice in 2013 and beyond. We will not charge you a penny to sell your dental practice. We promise not to charge you an engagement fee, marketing fee, valuation fee or sales commission once we sell your dental practice. At the same time you can ensure that we will get you the maximum price possible in the market using our tried and tested techniques.

Don't pay £15,000 + VAT to be one of a several hundred dental practices for sale on an agents website. Pay NOTHING and receive a personalised service which is second to none. Contact us today

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Posted by on in Dental News

Welcome to Morgan Cox Dental News
Following demand we have released the latest news section to our website, specifically aimed at the dental sales market. This way we can release all our exciting updates and publish news on the latest changes in the dental market place.

Morgan Cox Dental are dedicated dental brokers providing expert consultancy and brokerage advice to the UK market. We offer dental practice valuations, dental practice marketing and can broker the sale of your dental practice. Feel free to contact us for a free no obligation discussion about our services and how we might be able to help you.

If you want to comment or ask a question regarding any of our articles then please register on the site (free) and post your comments. A member of our team can then respond in more detail. Alternatively view our dental practices for sale listings

Kind regards

Morgan Cox Dental Team.

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